Sunday, June 20, 2010

Permed hair?

so i have naturally straight hair.and i got a perm around thanksgiving time and my hair is curly-ish now. the problem is whenevver i get out of the shower and stuff it looks really nice. and when it dries it gest really poofy. i dont wnna use gel that makes your hair really hard.

what can i use to make my hair look less crazy and see the curls without it being rock hard?

Permed hair?

well you could try mouse and see how that works! good luck to ya

Permed hair?

try using some type of spray that is excellent for curly hair

Permed hair?

use some scrunching formula, i had a perm too.

there is a special stuff, like mouse that doesn't make your hair hard.

Permed hair?

this worked for me,,, mix some leave-in conditioner,, if you have or just regular conditioner works fine,, with some gel,, or mouse,,, equal parts. apply it,, scrunch the curls using tissues or paper towels.. it removes access moisture,, let it air dry. more you touch them,, more frizz,, and later control the amount of gel or conditioner to get the texture you want

hope this helps,,

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