Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What's wrong with my hair?

Hey, I don't know why but I always have these little tiny hairs coming out of my head. I don't use any machines like blow dryers or anything like that. But I do use gel and I comb my hair with a comb. I comb it down and I use gel to bring my hair down. But everytime I comb it, there are a bunch of little tiny hairs standing up which I can't put down. I want to get hair like the movie stars which is moves freely and I'm looking for someway to comb my hair down without using gel and without having little hairs poping out. Oh and I'm a guy so..

What's wrong with my hair?

are you black? if so..theres your answer.. (not trying to be racist but thats the only people ive seen with that type of hair)

What's wrong with my hair?

Shave it!

What's wrong with my hair?

Even people with perfectly healthy hair have little flyawyas, they're just teenie, so you can't see them in pictures (or they're photo-shopped out). Not much you can really do to prevent them; just take good care of your hair as you already are.

What's wrong with my hair?

hmm this sounds like fly away hair to me. if so i think you should just wait until they grow out

What's wrong with my hair?

i think its just static. or if you're asian it could be genes.

What's wrong with my hair?


What's wrong with my hair?

stop using gel and find a better product like a pomade.

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