Friday, November 27, 2009

How to stop hair growing fast?


I'm currently wondering if there is a way to stop my hair on my head to stop growing fast. Usually I would wash it everyday with Head and Sholders. Then I would gel my hair using 'Brylcream Strong'. I usually have to cut my hair each week because it gets long to quick. I know im glad to have this hair but the growth rate is to fast, im 16 years old.

Does anyone know a sulotion that could help solve this? I spike my hair up, but I put gel all over my hair (head). When getting my hair cut I get a number 2.

How to stop hair growing fast?

Strange. My only advice is to buy your own razer or go for the world record.

ps.Wot gel works best for you? Whatever gel I try wont work for more than a few hours.

How to stop hair growing fast?

stop taking rogaine. Nope. NOTHING you can do, unless you dont eat. Not eating shuts body functions down.

How to stop hair growing fast?

y don't you just let it grow longer? thats why it grows so fast cuz its so short it doesn't take a long time to grow back.

How to stop hair growing fast?

i htink just to cut it off and use something but me telling you that would be dumb i don't think that you can stop your hair from growing fast it's going to grow anyway sorry

How to stop hair growing fast?

Not much you can do sweetheart. Some people just have it like that. Keep it trimmed neatly and enjoy. You could try cutting it short and that will give you time for it to grow back over several weeks to the point where it's too long again. This will keep you from cutting it every week.

Wow..... I think we all want to know what your secret is.... LOL :o)

How to stop hair growing fast?

stop using the gel, the gel might be the thing that is growing ur hair, it grows my hair to a certain length so that why i want another product to grow it longer but definately its the gel thats growing it way too fast, especially if u wash ur hair every week or day.

How to stop hair growing fast?

You cant stop hair growing, you should just let it, slightly longer hair is much nicer anyway :)

How to stop hair growing fast?

u would look kewl with it long.

How to stop hair growing fast?

wow, some people would kill for their hair to grow that fast. if it really grows THAT fast, you might even want to get it checked.

How to stop hair growing fast?

nah sorry, i would say dnt cut it to much but guess thats not an option for u!

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