Saturday, November 28, 2009

Whenever i do ponytail some 10/15 hairs at the front gets loose.i have curly toget straight

i really don't wanna go to parlours ...and could anybody plz tell me how to keep my hair lookingshiny(exceept for gel or spray???

Whenever i do ponytail some 10/15 hairs at the front gets loose.i have curly toget straight ponytail

Hi so start by washing hair well with products that work on your hair and give you wot u want.That is dont use any product but use a product that says that it gives you a straighter look.Then, let hair dry alone or else you'll end up with a mass of ugly hair. Put some serum just a little bit, blow dry it and as you're ready put again some serum, just one drop pls at the ends. Then if some of the hair is outta place put some serum again.I swear but it

Whenever i do ponytail some 10/15 hairs at the front gets loose.i have curly toget straight ponytail

blow dry ur hair straighten it use bobby pins hair spray.

Whenever i do ponytail some 10/15 hairs at the front gets loose.i have curly toget straight ponytail

maybe your clip or rubber band is too tight so you lose hairs,, apply some oil? or some kinda hair creams that looks like a lotion (white opaque)

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