Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hair growth products?

well my little brother just got his hair cut for base-ball pictures and while he was at his practice, his coach was playing around and said "dont forget to shave!" and my little brother did not know it was a joke so he shaved the sides of his hair while he was in the shower, is there any at home products I can use to make his hair grow faster? Like some kind of hair-spray or gel? I dont have time to go to the store and buy something, and he is only 6 yrs old so I doubt stores have any hair growth products for 6 yr olds, please.. anything

Im desperate! He is in his room crying hoping his hair will grow back over night, i need to know of some kind of spray or gel or something! PLEASE!

Hair growth products?

Sorry, all I may suggest is try to even it out. Talk to your brother and explain to him, calmly, his hair will grow back. There is nothing out there to make your hair grow faster.

Hair growth products?

Sorry, there isnt anything that can do that.

Hair growth products?

A 6 year old using a razor? You need to look at that a little closer...

You should find someone with the same hair color and cut some off, glue it on his face, and cut it to length. Nothing will help hair grow faster.

Or you could just shave it all off, make it look uniform.

Hair growth products?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... i'll beat my son (if i had a son) senseless if he did that.. Could of lost an eye!

Hair growth products?

Products with aloe and mayonnaise you can get from the drug store will work...African American hair remedies are used for making hair grow longer and faster.

Hair growth products?

Nothing...if there was, there would be alot of happy men out there. I feel so bad for him!!!! Take him to the salon and get him a cool haircut to blend in the short sides. Hair grows about 1/2" every 4 weeks. Eat your jello and take vitamins, get some sun... that helps.

Hair growth products?

idk if there are any products for young boys but there is that one they advertise a lot called 'rogaine' but all they show is adult males. mayb that would work? when i went to CVS the other day to get some shampoo they had a whole section of hair growth products, i didnt look at them but mayb there is a mild one you could buy for him.

mayb until his hair grows back, he should wear his baseball hat and say he jus wants to keep the sun out of his eyes or some excuse like that.

or another solution would be to shave the rest of his head so it wont look odd unless he shaved his sides bald then....i really dont know.

Hair growth products?

Try Lush New Solid Hair Shampoo, it helps stimulating hair growth, information and review is at the source.

Hair growth products?

I have a list of good and fresh websites on Hair growth products and free tips.

Its a policy voilation of yahoo if i post any link here.

Just mail me at with subjet Hair growth . I will send a link of best website where you can find best deals.

Best wishes

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