Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What are the effect, uses of these hair products or the differences between them?

I'm sorry to ask this basic and long question. I want to know the effects, uses and/or differences in the effect between these hair products Gel, Cream, Wax, Pomade, Serum, Mousse, Hair Spray and Spritz? It's really confusing for me. I'm a guy. I hope to find the answer. Thanks!

What are the effect, uses of these hair products or the differences between them?

1) gel = stiff; holds hair in place. Has bad rap for flaking %26amp; looking dated. Use w/ caution.

2) cream, wax %26amp; pomade - vary in amount of oil. Cream generally lighter. Wax is heaviest. Pomade in between cream %26amp; wax but can vary a lot w/ each brand. Used to add definition/piecey look/texture, make hair smoother or create spikes if hair is short enough %26amp; product is thick.

3) serum = very thin, clear liquid. Used to control frizziness %26amp; add shine. Usually has silicone %26amp; can make hair limp.

4) mousse = whipped wax, polymers, oils etc. Used to add body %26amp; help hair hold a curl/wave.

5) hair spray = spray on version of gel. Used when more control is needed. spritz - can be lighter form of hair spray or a spray to add shine

Since you're a guy - don't worry too much about using serum, mousse %26amp;/or hair spray/spritz products.

Redken for Men - gels, waxes %26amp; pomades = the most fool proof hair products on the market.

What are the effect, uses of these hair products or the differences between them?

a better question for you would be....

Give us

a.) the type of hair you have....thick, thin medium,

b.) texture? curly, straight,fuzzy, wavy,

c.) color? black, brown, red, blonde,

d.) ethnicity?

e.) length?long, short, down my back, buzz cut, regular mens cut...

f.) your age and lifestyle: are you 14 ,18, 22 ?? are you a student, CEO, surfer, Banking exec.,?

All these things make a difference when trying to help you figure out a product to try....

its too confusing trying to figure out what they all are...

let us limit them for you by

YOU answering the above questions first.... If you want to shoot me an email - do that with those answers about your hair and I will point you in the right direction

If you have fairly stubborn hair

and If i had to pick the number 1 product for men...

It would be BEDHEAD's Manipulator.

Never met a guy that didn't like it....hair stylists alwasy rate it number 1....

or I can pinpint it better if I new the answers to those questions OR even better had a photo of your hair... 1-2 angles

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