Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is there any tips to get healthy hair?

Schools starting as many of you know and i have short thin hair! I want a tip to get it straightened without damageing

and i want a shine and strength tip!


I have these-


Hair straightning gel

Shine shampoo.

a comb and brush (der)

and other stuff!!

Is there any tips to get healthy hair?

well here are some tips, dont put your hair up when its wet it will break piece of your hair or, with you straighter dont leave it in one place to long it will burn your hair leaving it rough and a darker color, use nice even strokes.dont brush you hair fast go nice and slow, doing it fast causes split ends. and also you might want to use some conditioner after shampooing.

i hope this help!!!

Is there any tips to get healthy hair?

lol ionoo

ok well here is one.

never ever shampoo everyday

condition EVERYDAY

shampoo everyother day or every other 3 days.

so like yeah.

Is there any tips to get healthy hair?

Natural Homemade Tips for Hair %26amp; Skin


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