Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How do i style my hair like this?


i have medium lenght hair and its wavy somewhat straight

the products i have


-curlying iron


-hair spray



-and anti-frizzz

please give me step by steps

How do i style my hair like this?

1.first wash your hair

2. rub a blob of mousse in your hair (don't scrunch it in)

3. wait for it to air dry

4. section your hair and have big curling iron like 1inch-1%26amp;half-inch

5. curl around the barrel instead of clasping onto it

6. and straighten your bangs and set with some wax and hairspray

if this is too complicated then watch this it's a little different though



How do i style my hair like this?

First, wash your hair. Put barely any conditioner in though. Rince with cold water untill it runs clear (no soap)

Next, apply the anti frizz stuff to your whole head, then brush it with a wide toothed comb.

Towel dry your hair, trying to make it straight.

When its basically dry, take the straightener or the curling iron to make the curls.

Divide your hair into 5 parts with clips.

Take the first part, and using the-

*straighener* take the straightner and clasp the top of the hair.Roll it up like your going to wrap it around. Pull down slowly to create a curl.

*curling iron* clasp at the bottom of strand, and wrap around. Wait 10 seconds, and release.

defind each section with the wax, then spray each section with hairspray.

and your done! =)

P.s - watch these videos for more help on curling with a straightner. (sounds wierd)


How do i style my hair like this?

Usually you would use Hot Curler for this look, but a Large Curling Iron will work

okay to start:

1.wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo preferably Revlon, Sunsilk works well too.

2. Blow dry wavy, but with a round brush, take your brush and a section of hair and turn the brush toward the back of your head making a spiral and repeat. always make sure your blow dryer is facing downward on your hair, this will create smooth and shiny waves

3. After your hair is dry take 2 inch sections, spray with hairspray and curl starting at the middle of the strand and toward the back of your head as well. all the way around your head. after the curl has set a little grab the end of it and pull down on it gently, creating a bounce effect when you let go of the strand.

after you repeat these steps around your head finish of by spraying a light hairspray, not an ultra hold unless of course your hair is thick and hates to curl! if you have any other questions message me back and ill help you out :D

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